Full Stack Developer • Creative Problem Solver • Full Stack Developer • Creative Problem Solver
II''mmaasskkiilllleedd ddeevveellooppeerrffooccuusseeddoonnccrreeaattiinnggeeffffiicciieenntt,,ssccaallaabblleewweebbssoolluuttiioonnss&&eexxpplloorriinnggtthheeppootteennttiiaallooffwweebb33..
Web Architecture
Designing scalable, maintainable, and efficient web systems
API Integration
Connecting applications with third-party services
Web3 Development
Building decentralized apps (dApps) and integrating blockchain technologies.
Performance Tuning
Optimizing code and infrastructure to ensure fast, reliable, and efficient applications.
UI/UX Design
Transforming designs into responsive, accessible, and user-friendly web interfaces.
OOvveerr33 yyeeaarrssooffwweebbddeevveellooppmmeenntteexxppeerriieennccee,,sshhaappeeddbbyyaanniinntteerrnnsshhiippaattDDaassssaauullttSSyyssttèèmmeessccrreeaattiinnggssccaallaabblleessoolluuttiioonnss..
Freelance Developer
Frontend developer at gmove
Currently working on a multisig dapp for the gmove project.
Full Stack Developer
Dassault Systèmes
Developed scalable UI/UX solutions for a large application using React and Node.js.
Frontend Developer
INSPI & Innersense
Revamped an old app's frontend by rebuilding it in Vue.js with modern UI/UX enhancements.
University Student
University Paul Sabatier
Studied Computer Science at UPS from 2019 to 2024 (Master's degree)
II''vveewwoorrkkeeddoonnmmuullttiippllee pprroojjeeccttssffrroommccllaassssiiccWWeebb22aapppplliiccaattiioonnssttooiinnnnoovvaattiivveeWWeebb33ssoolluuttiioonnss..
MG Événements
Design & Development
MG Événements
MGE Dashboard
Design & Development
MGE Dashboard
Halcyon Labs
Design & Development
Halcyon Labs

MG Événements

MGE Dashboard

Halcyon Labs
